Rousey vs Flair

Johnathan McDonald


Ronda Rousey vs Charlotte Flair - Summerslam 2018

Not only do I think it should be one of the featured matches for this summer's biggest pay per view, I think it should be the main event. Women have main evented WWE pay per views before (most recently January's Royal Rumble), and doing so at what is traditionally the second biggest event of the year would be an impressive, and logical, next milestone for them to achieve.

Summerslam. Brooklyn, New York. Barclays Center. Ronda Rousey as one half of the competitors. All of this adds up to what would certainly be a "Big Fight", "UFC-esque" main event in front of a rabid, vocal fan base.

Personally, I'd reignite the Rousey/Angle pairing, and have Kurt be in Ronda's corner. We are talking big fight feel here after all. Who better than an Olympic Gold medalist to add even more legitimacy and credibility to a main event? And of course, on the other side of things, it would only be fair for Charlotte to also have a Hall of Fame wrestler in her corner—her father, "Nature Boy" Ric Flair.

Not only would it add to the atmosphere to have Angle and Flair in the respective corners of Rousey and Charlotte, this decision would lead to a strong and captivating build to the match. As good as Angle and Flair are in the ring (and they are two of the greatest of all time), they're equally good on the mic. We got a small taste of an Angle/Flair verbal showdown on Raw in the summer of 2005. This time around, with more serious material and an extended program, one cannot help but be very excited about the prospect of these two legends cutting a series of promos.

I can see it now: the lights are brought down, a returning, tuxedo-clad Michael Buffer is standing in the center of the ring holding his signature cue cards, as Rousey and Flair stare intensely across the ring at each other. These two women have been booked strong in 2018. One emphatically ended Asuka's years-long undefeated streak via tap-out. The other had one of the most impressive pro wrestling debuts at all time, at WrestleMania no less. Now, they will face one another.

As the late, great Gorilla Monsoon would say, this match would be "a main event anywhere in the country!"