Stay Together

Corbin Macklin


Do you know why amateur is most people's favorite category to search for when it comes to porn? Because they believe the porn they're seeing is real. People would rather watch grainy POV porn shot too close in a poorly lit room than to watch overproduced FAKE porn. As much as people love to talk about production values, they wish WWE would go back to making grittier, grimier, more real looking wrestling. I think a part of what makes wrestling look fake is overreliance on certain tropes.

A good way to debut a new wrestler that is not very experienced is to put them in a faction or tag team with an experienced pro. Kevin Nash debuted in WWF as Shawn Michaels bodyguard. A lot of people know Big Bubba Rogers as The Big Boss Man. He worked in Jim Crockett Promotions as a bodyguard for James E. Cornette. Big E debuted at WrestleMania as the tag team partner of Dolph Ziggler. They lost. I just gave this history lesson to make a point. Big E would be farther along today if he hadn't lost that debut match. Omos NEEDS to win this debut tagging with AJ Styles. Then, they need to avoid the single most annoying and repetitive thing in wrestling today.

What if... instead of trying to turn Omos babyface by having him turn on AJ Styles who is clearly using him to advance his own career and does not see him as an equal, or having him turn heel by turning his back on AJ who has come to see him as a friend and partner... they just keep being friends or associates? To take it back to porn, let's say you find some guy or gal you like watching. And over time, you start to notice they're only doing the same person, in the same bed in the same room. Eventually you get bored. See, me? I would need to write a very long paragraph to tell you all the specific kinks that I'm into that go hand in hand with I WOULD NEVER WATCH THE SAME KIND OF PORN OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

People often say, art imitates life. I say, life imitates art. Often. Life is repetitive. Let's say, every day, you wake up, you wash up and get dressed. Eat something and drink coffee, then brush your teeth. Then you go to work. You go to the same restaurants for lunch, or bring your leftovers. You go home. Rinse recycle repeat. If you love a video game, you love playing the same storylines and the same gameplay over and over. Wrasslin cannot help but to be the same stuff over and over. Except it can, to some extent. You see, life is a shoot. Wrestling is a work. You cannot control many aspects of your repetitive life. Wrestling promotions can resist the urge to use the same exact storylines over and over with the same exact outcomes.

Some people hate the idea of monogamy because when they really think about it, a long committed relationship is hearing the same stories over and over, and fucking the same person in the same rooms in the same lighting. But it doesn't have to be that way. You can get with someone who wants to be with you but they also want to roleplay, switch and do risky things in public places to keep things spicy. WWE right now, is that person that only wants to fuck after 8 PM in the bed with the lights off every. TIME. The changeup WWE can do when they put tag teams and factions together is resist the urge to break them up EVERY TIME.

I'm not saying that they need to keep tag teams and groups together forever in all cases. But, often enough that it doesn't feel like they always do it just to do it. What if... Sasha Banks and Bayley could have remained best friends but they just wrestled because it is competition and they both see themselves as the best? Not saying it had to be that way, but at the same time, WWE programming was better when they were a team. WWE could have kept New Day together as a group and pushed Big E as a single. Then let's say Kofi earned a title shot and they stayed friends and wrestled each other in the spirit of competition.

Christopher Booker said there are seven basic storylines. WWE said, if they're friends or a tag team we have to let them hoes FIGHT.