Vicki Williams

Before 19,512 silent fans, Vicki Williams faced The Fabulous Moolah in the first women's match at Madison Square Garden (MSG) on a WWWF (World Wide Wrestling Federation) card on July 1, 1972. Although it wasn't the first time women had been featured on a card promoted by Vincent J. McMahon, Madison Square Garden was the WWWF's stomping grounds and women had been barred from wrestling in New York until the early '70s. Thanks to the efforts of Ethel Whitehead, Silvia Calzadilla, Betty Niccoli and Shari Lee, Williams and other wrestlers would begin regularly wrestling in MSG.

Not only was history being made on that evening, but the NWA Women's Championship was on the line. Williams failed to come away with the title. She went on to challenge Moolah for the title did on multiple occasions through the '70s. The feud even garnered a mention in a Sports Illustrated article on Moolah.

Like many of the Women's wrestlers of the period, Williams often competed in tag matches. Championship gold didn't elude her as she teamed with Joyce Grable. The pair won the NWA Women's Tag Team Titles (which later became the WWF Women's Tag Team Titles) on two occasions.